From CRISPR to Gairdner: Dr. Rudolphe Barrangou

CRIPSR to Gairdner

Come and join us (Friday, October 28th from 4-5 PM in MSB4279) in meeting Dr. Barrangou who is a 2016 Gairdner award winner. The Gairdner awards are a series of awards that are given to biomedical scientists who have made original contributions to medicine, resulting in an increase in our understanding of human biology and disease. The Gairdner awards are known to be a strong predicator of future winners of the Nobel Prize in medicine and Physiology.

Dr. Barrangou is an associate Professor, Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences and a Todd R. Klaenhammer Distinguished Scholar in Probiotics Research North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

He is receiving the 2016 Gairdner Award for establishing and characterizing the CRISPR-Cas bacterial immune system.

So join us in learning about Dr. Barrangou’s work and the path that he took that led him to success.

Undergraduate Professional Development: Empowering YOU to be market-ready – October 2016

BUSS Presents-

By popular demand, BUSS brings you a NEW series of 4 workshops highlighting professional and career development to help land your summer internship or career after graduation.

Topics include marketing yourself, the resume, the informational interview, how to find your own mentors outside of academia, career options. Workshops are highly interactive and require you to bring an electronic device with internet access.


Guest Speaker: Dr. Nana Lee, a national leader in graduate professional development

Speaker: Dr. Nana Lee

Speaker: Dr. Nana Lee

Dates: TBD

Place: TBD

To register, please submit in a one page resume and a 200-300 paragraph on what you hope to achieve through UPD all in one pdf file entitled “Your last name_UPD2016” to by 5 pm October 17, 2016. All participants are expected to attend all 4 workshops to receive optimal assessments and potential future intern/career opportunities.